Nasya Business Consulting Services

Nclex Study Guide

Applying for the NCLEX examination took me years and a couple of applications to finally get my Authority to Take the Test (ATT)

Applying for the NCLEX examination took me years and a couple of applications to finally get my Authority to Take the Test (ATT). Check below my NCLEX Study Guide. The recent pandemic led to more shortage of nurses in the US, which is why the California Board of Nursing waived some deficiencies in their requirements for application to allow more nurses to get a license.

Because of this, I finally had the chance to move forward with my application and had the opportunity to take the exam. I told myself this was a one-time opportunity, and I could not risk failing. I claimed victory in my heart, mind, body, and soul that I would pass the NCLEX exam. This decision allowed me to persevere and led me to create a study plan.

My goal was to study for six months since I graduated 15 years ago, and I need to refresh my memory about Nursing. I started 2 hours a day by answering qbanks with a minimum of 20 questions per day and gradually increasing the number of sets in the first two months. I did not put pressure on myself but took my time answering and reading the rationales every after question and taking notes.

After two months, I enrolled in a 10-day in-person course focusing on core concepts and critical thinking with technical drills to answer the types of questions commonly asked in the actual NCLEX.

They also taught us to listen and meditate for 10 minutes before starting the review using David Mgraw’s powerful success affirmations on Youtube. True enough, this was really helpful, along with whispering a prayer every after meditation.

Another two months had passed, and I was already getting midline scores in my qbanks. It was better than the first two months, which were very low scores, but I felt I was just hanging on to the passing rate for the longest time, and I’ve got two months left before my exam. I was in a panic and felt anxious. I started doubting myself to the point of thinking of postponing my exam date.

But with my daily meditation and devotion, I was reminded that I am capable of being successful, and through my actions, I may achieve success. I told myself, I made it this far, and I can’t go back. I just need little steps as long as I’m moving forward. I knew for myself that I needed to find ways to focus and concentrate.

It was one month left before my exam. I made a study guide per concept, so I would know my scores in each and be able to determine which topics I need to work on. I dedicated about 6 hours of studying per day, 3 hours to a concept in the morning, and 3 hours to qbank in the evening.

Other days, I just keep answering to build my stamina and reading rationales to gain knowledge. I wrote down in a calendar my schedule and topics to be covered and to be answered. This way, I was able to see what I needed to expect in the days to come and compare my percentage on every topic

Here is my study guide

Kendra Nclex Study Guide
Calendar for Study Guide

NCLEX is not an exam that gauges how smart you are and how you memorize all the topics. It is an exam to determine your critical thinking and knowledge as a nurse and how you can apply it in a perfect health care setting. It is an exam using your stamina and how you can manage to keep your focus and confidence in answering.

A little progress each day adds up to big results. We have to keep going even if we experience difficulties and trials. We have to claim success along with consistent hard work.

That is why I always hold on to Galatians 6:9 “Let’s not get tired of doing good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up”. We don’t need to be perfect. We just need to do our best; that will be enough.

You can do it! Focus on your review and exam preparation, and let Nasya process your exam application. We are here to provide an innovative online processing application solution that prioritizes your time and convenience. We stand as your partner in achieving your professional goal abroad.

Nasya Business Consultancy Services will guide you and help you with your NCLEX exam application on which state is best suited for your qualification and consideration. Partner with us and experience the most affordable processing agency in the country that provides innovative assistance and prioritizes your time and convenience. Focus on your review and exam preparation and let Nasya handle your licensure application.

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